Recycling at your office

1.Make recycling as convenient as garbage:

Pair all waste bins (garbage, recycling and compost) together in a central location: This makes it easy for people to put their waste in the right place, keeping recyclables out of the trash, and trash out of recycling. Break rooms, kitchen spaces, and copy rooms are good locations for waste bins.

2. Purchase recycling bins:

You can purchase recycling bins through janitorial suppliers, home improvement or office supply stores, or other retailers. If you’re looking for small containers to fit under desks, search for “desk side recycling bin.” Or re-purpose existing containers, like copier paper boxes. Just make sure containers are well-labeled so it’s clear what goes in the bin.

3. Get the correct color:

When purchasing containers, aim for blue for mixed recycling, yellow for glass, black or gray for garbage, and green for compost.

4. Posters and stickers:

Use posters and stickers to label all recycling and waste containers. Posters are helpful above the containers and stickers can be used directly on the containers.

5. Talk with your office cleaning staff:

If you have desk side recycling bins, confirm who will be emptying them into the central recycling containers. In some buildings, employees are expected to empty their bins into the office’s large, central containers.

Check in and ask for feedback. Your office cleaning staff often knows when something needs improvement and can help you meet your recycling goals.

6. Educate employees

Label all waste containers with stickers, and waste areas with posters, that show what can and can’t go in each bin. Do spot checks to make sure non-recyclable items aren’t going into the recycling bin, and correct issues before they become a habit. Share information about what can and cannot be recycled.

Contact us on how we can help in your office recycling efforts!